How can I get an invoice/receipt for my registration?

If you need a receipt for either your NextUp Membership OR your Event Registrations for a NextUp Event:

  • Log into your NextUp Account
  • Under the Account category, Select 'My Orders' from the left-hand account menu 
  • You will then see a list of all your past orders, including Membership and Registrations.
  • The Current Orders card only displays outstanding balances. If you have an outstanding balance, click 'Pay Now' to submit payment.
  • The My Past Orders card shows all previous event registrations. From here, you may view and download receipts.
  • Select 'View' to view the order you would like a receipt for.
  • Then select 'Print' at the right-hand side of the page. You will be prompted to print the document or save it as a file to your computer.